
Why do we study?

この活動は卒業した6年生でもおこなってきた活動であり、British council 主催の研修を受けてからその当時ALTだったBennette さんとError Code(資料1)を五ヶ瀬中等教育学校用にアレンジして作成して始めてかれこれ5年目になります。今では現ALTのKaryll さんの協力の下に他学年でもやっています。
 今日のテーマは”Why do we study(なぜ私たちは学ぶのか)?"


If I am asked the following question; Why do we study?, I will say , “For my own future.” I have two reasons.

First, students like us study at schoolevery day. We study math, social studies, science, English and more. Also we havedreams. To be a teacher, scientists, archaeologist and so on. To have suchjobs, you have to gain knowledge, foreign languages, and so on.

If you want to fulfill your dream, you haveto study for your future.


Secondly, studying makes me happy. I always set a goal when I am studying. For example, “I will solve this math question”or “ I will study for three hours.” Then if I accomplish these goals, I feel asense of accomplishment. Not only studying alone but studying with somebodymakes me feel happy, too. Studying in a happy mood is related to advancestudying. As I have explained, we have to study to find fun and to fulfill our dream. (163 words)
