地区中体連秋季大会 陸上競技の部
※ 生徒名はイニシャルにしています。
【School Events(学校行事)】
Every year, we have a school excursion in May. It lasts for three days. When you are in your second year of middleschool, you can go to USJ or stay at a hotel. However this year, we could not go because ofthe coronavirus (COVID-19). It made me sad.
written by I.K
Every year, we have a sports day in October. We also do a traditional Japanese dance. Everybody shouts their loudest and does theirbest.
written by K.R
Every year, we have a sports day in October. It lasts for half a day. If you join it, you'll have a good time.
written by M.A
Every year, we have a sports day in October. It’s exciting to have many people from ourfamilies and the surrounding area come together to take part in it.
written by K.H
Every year, we have a school festival inNovember. It lasts for one day. My family comes to see our festival everyyear.
written by S.A
(毎年、11月に文化発表会があります。1日かけて行います。毎年、家族が見に来てくれます。)Every year, we have a school festival inNovember. It lasts for one day. Many people, including elementary schoolstudents, come to enjoy our festival.
written by T.R
Every year, we have a ball game tournament asa farewell event in March. It’s a time for us to make memories togetheras 3rd graders.
written by H.A
Our soft tennis team practices five days aweek. Our goal was to play in the team competitionat the middle school prefectural tournament, but I lost at the local level.
The number of people in the tennis club isdecreasing. Have you ever played soft tennis? We welcome beginners!!!!!!!!! If you practice hard, you can be a startingplayer.
written by K.M
Our soft tennis club practices five days aweek. It was difficult at first, but everyone slowlygot better. Many people joined the club, so it feels likeit’s the Golden Age of Hosoda.
written by K.K
At Hosoda, we have tennis practice five days aweek after school. Hosoda practices very hard, but because ofthat, I managed to improve. Thanks to that, I was able to place well inthe tennis tournament. If you want to get stronger, I recommend thatyou join the tennis club.
written by T.M